

Returning the Sacred to the Mother


The act or process of returning
the Sacred to the Mother


A movement led by Indigenous women


Rematriation supports Indigenous women gatherings in the restoration of individual, family, and community-based wellness. Rematriation’s programs and content engages Haudenosaunee and Indigenous Sisters across Turtle Island, including Canada, Mexico and New Zealand.


Rematriation creates opportunities for Indigenous Sisters to attend public events. Visible representation of Indigenous women at public events is a crucial first step towards overcoming stereotypes. We are often called upon in these spaces to share our cultural perspectives and experiences. This allows our voices to be heard, our issues to be addressed and helps build bridges of awareness and understanding. By creating pathways of inclusion, we encourage our women’s leadership to flourish and help create a more equitable society.


Rematriation offers public education to build allies, share untold history and contemporary issues. Rematriation provides public events and produces articles, podcasts and videos to share across our digital platforms. Rematriation aims to claim space in public media for sharing authentic Indigenous women’s truths. Our voices have been silenced for hundreds of years. Our presence has been excluded for far too long. Indigenous women and Peoples are now sharing our truths with the strength of our ancestors behind us. Rematriation is here to uplift these truths.

Why We Exist

We support the full sovereign expression of all our Indigenous relatives and believe that it is through the process of Rematriation that we reclaim our identity, our culture and our ways. Much of our cultures are deeply rooted in our Earth Mother and celestially connected to the matrilineal, uterine lines of our families, our people and our nations that extend beyond this world.

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We are made of this  Earth, we belong to it as human beings, and as spirits from beyond. During our time here on Mother Earth, we are the stewards of the lands, her waters and all living beings, and for the faces of those yet unborn.


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As Haudenosaunee women, we are connected to our celestial roots and the inheritance of our future generations. This obligates us to our Mother Earth, our bodies and those yet unborn. We stand for the right for clean flowing water, clean air and foods as our Mother intended.


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As Onkwehonwe, we are all human beings and carry this responsibility. We have a responsibility to care for the seeds bequeathed to us by our ancestors. We do this for the faces of our grandchildren who will walk this earth beyond our time, so that they too, will be nourished by the life that grows and flows from our Mother’s body.


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As Haudenosaunee women, we join with our Indigenous relatives around the world to offer our teachings of a world and Universe that extends beyond this one. As Indigenous women, our minds, hearts and bodies are a window to connect to those dancing beyond the stars, a vessel to hear the waters and a calling to speak for beings without the power of voice.


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We share this with you here, our story of rematriation, so that the force of life continues beyond us.


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Rekindling the Fire of Our Sisterhood 2024

Crossing of the Great Orbs

The Totality of the April 8th Solar Eclipse was met with a collage of cultural, historical, spiritual, and scientific perspectives. Beginning April 5th, 2024, Haudenosaunee & Indigenous Relatives across Turtle Island gathered together for four days and three nights to welcome the total solar eclipse crossing directly over Seneca territory at Ganondagan, home of the Peace Mother,  Tsiokonsa:se. Rematriation hosted around 200 Indigenous relatives of all ages, including 15 traditional titleholders.

Cornell Indigenous Students Fast to Support Palestine

A group of Indigenous students from Cornell University are planning a four day fast from Tuesday, April 30th to Friday, May 3rd to show their solidarity with Palestine.

We are thrilled and honored to announce that Rematriation has been selected by MIT Solve’s program as a 2022 Indigenous Communities Fellow.

MIT Solve’s program is a marketplace for social impact innovation. Through open innovation Global Challenges each year, Solve finds incredible tech-based social entrepreneurs all around the world. Solve then brings together MIT’s innovation ecosystem and a community of members to fund and support these entrepreneurs to help them drive lasting, transformational impact. Learn more about the Solve program’s selected solutions to global challenges:
Continue to follow our work as this Fellowship helps accelerate our impact while working with talented and motivated Indigenous innovators.


Haudenosaunee to Address Pope

Haudenosaunee to Address Pope

The Haudenosaunee External Relations Committee (HERC) is in Quebec City to address Pope Francis, requesting the revocation of the Papal Bulls that make up the Doctrine of Discovery.

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Haudenosaunee to Address Pope

The Haudenosaunee External Relations Committee (HERC) is in Quebec City to address Pope Francis, requesting the revocation of the Papal Bulls that make up the Doctrine of Discovery.

Media Garden

The Media Garden is an opportunity to connect with other Haudenosaunee digital media creators, benefit from promotion by Rematriation and gain access to exclusive networking and training opportunities.

Our Team and the Sisterhood want to share what Rematriation means to us…